Child Pornography

The sexual exploitation of minors (including child pornography) is strictly against US Federal law and (it goes without saying) BizPro Services Terms of Service.

BizPro Services rules

BizProServices does not tolerate child exploitation (including the distribution, acquisition, or storage of child pornography) in conjunction with BizProServices  services. Offenders will be immediately reported to law enforcement officials.

Reporting child pornography to BizProServices

If you have encountered child pornography (or any form of sexual exploitation of minors, for that matter), please contact BizProServices  immediately. You may also want to contact law enforcement as well, either directly or through the NCMEC as described below.


The following are common questions and misunderstandings about BizPro Services policies on child exploitation and child pornography.

What is child pornography?

Legally, for something to be considered child pornography under US Federal law it must portray minors (that is, children under the age of 18) engaging in sexual activities or posed in a sexually suggestive manner (cite: United States v. Knox). Actual children must be portrayed, so (for example) drawings or written fictional accounts are not illegal.

In any case, if a specific instance even appears to be at all border-line, BizProServices  would still like to be notified.

Why is that site still up?

At times, people may notice that clearly illegal sites reported to BizProServices remain online for some time.

While BizProServices  recognizes that such sites staying online for any length of time seems abhorrent, the real damage that occurs with child pornography—the abuse of those children pictured—is BizPro Services primary concern. It is also the primary concern of law enforcement, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). For this reason, we are often asked to keep such sites online during the investigative process as this greatly facilitates actually catching the criminals involved and bringing them to justice.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of such investigations, BizProServices is are unable to comment on what is taking place behind the scenes. However, if you want to make absolutely sure that the matter is followed-up upon you may file a formal complaint with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, here:

They have an official relationship with many law enforcement agencies (including the FBI), and will route your complaint to the proper location.

Where do I send a complaint about child pornography?

You may send your complaint to the following email address:

Please include any relevant URLs, i.e., direct links to illegal images or pages containing such images.